Monday, July 25, 2011

New Year, New Goals, New Determination

It's official! I'm now 42 years old! Over the past year and a half I have achieved many things, including losing 55 pounds, running half marathons, and hopefully becoming a better person throughout it all.

While I'm still motivated, and still putting my shoes on, it's time to crank up the intensity once again. Today, July 26th, starts another weightloss journey. My first goal has always been 175. I have reached that, but my underlying goal has been 150. So now it's time to hit that milestone.

Some people have told me many times that I would look weird if I lost any more weight. That's very irritating, because how would they know? How would I know? I haven't been this small since high school, and I was Fat Connie in high school.

It took me almost 10 years to prove "haters" (including myself) wrong, that I wasn't an athlete, that I couldn't run. Guess what...I am and I can.

I'm giving myself a year to get to my SECOND goal, 150 lbs, but I can't do it without all the support I've gotten from everyone. If I hit it before then, great! If I lose more than that, FABULOUS! Like a wonderful friend of mine said, "if you do look weird, you can always gain it back."

So "haters", keep hating...hate on me...but know this...I'm living my life like it's golden, and I'm feeling good!

Zumbarunner...Whether shaking it or running it, I'll cross the finish line!

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