Saturday, June 18, 2011

Stupid, Cheap Pedo Watch

My stupid, cheap pedometer watch has finally bit the dust, again, and for real this time. Yeah, it's taken "the trip" a couple times already, but watching it die a slow death today, it was really apparent that it's time for a new one. I really hated this watch, but somehow, I'm sad to see it go.

This was my first pedo watch I got last year when I was starting to transition from Zumba, to Zumba plus walking, to Zumba plus running. The watch didn't work right. It kept saying that I only burned 250 calories in Zumba, the SAME amount of calories while doing a slow walk. REALLY? I shake it WAY harder than that, but it read the same thing when my instructor...a whole 2 PEOPLE smaller than myself (1 person smaller now) *SMILE*, wore it during class. Totally off the charts inaccurate calorie count for her.

Stupid, cheap pedo watch.

I always counted on it for laps, mileage, and time though. It's helped me track a whole bunch of miles on the track at the Y and on the street (running, folks! Sheesh!), and even though I never really relied on the calorie counter, showed me how many calories I've burned in the past year, and been my guide on about half of my 50 pound weightloss journey. It's also quit on me 1/4 of the way into my 10k in May, and kept showing my heart rate instead of mileage or time during my half marathon last Sunday.

Stupid, cheap pedo watch.

Now it's time for a new stupid, cheap pedo watch; time for a change. I'm NOT a huge fan of change. Change is REALLY uncomfortable for me. It makes me nervous. I always see the negative side of change, and people really have to beat me about the head and shoulders to make me realize that good things come from change. This is another subject for another day, so to be continued.

In the meantime, I'll be buying a NEW stupid, cheap pedo watch to track even more miles at the Y, on the street (again, RUNNING!), on race days, and in life...hoping to track another year of success in my journey.

So long stupid, cheap pedo watch. It's been eventful, it's been a trip. It's been good to know ya.

Zumbarunner...whether shakin' it or runnin' it, I'll cross the finish line.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Great blog. Maybe it is time to invest in an expensive gadget, like a Garmin Forerunner, etc. You're worth it!
