Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Moving On

It's post half marathon "recovery" week here at my house, and I have to say, it's good to be back on the run. My runs have been short though. Yesterday I went to the Y and was in the middle of my first mile, when I started a conversation with someone who was chasing after her grandson on the track. That gave me a good excuse to walk for a while. I was running without a stupid, cheap, pedo watch too, which gave me another excuse to walk for a while. I know this is sort of lacking in motivation, but hey, it happens to the best of us. Trust me...the motivation is STILL there, because I'm NOT going stop progressing. I can't. I REFUSE!

Today was chore and errand day, so I postponed my run until this evening. Besides, the wind was blowing at gale forces (ok, not so much gale force...30-40mph), so another reason to postpone until the evening. Thankfully, Ma Nature's meds kicked in, and my one mile street run went off without a hitch, except for getting yelled at by a dachschund, passing a dead, squished garter snake on the street, watching a tabby cat watch me run past it, seeing a bunny bound through the neighbor's lawn, and smelling all the beautiful flowers that are in full bloom.

I ran with a watch, but without a stupid, cheap pedo watch, and enjoyed the run. Then off to another KILLER hour long Zumba class, then off to Wallyworld to look for a NEW stupid, cheap pedo watch. UGH! They're NOT so cheap, Groan...Relax. Deep Breath...I need one.

So I bit the bullet. I'm moving on. It's time to stop thinking about my first half marathon and focus on what lies ahead. I have a 5k this Saturday, and I have other races in my future. I now have a new, stupid, cheap pedo watch that I'll be sporting tomorrow, which will help me in my new training.

Don't worry, I can still enjoy my runs with my stupid, cheap pedo watch, and will continue moving on.

Tomorrow's training...Zumba, run, weights, work. Sounds like a FABU time to me!

Zumbarunner...whether shaking it or running it, I will cross the finish line.

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