Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fear Vs. Boldness

".It's okay to be scared. Just don't forget to be bold, too."
I got this quote from someone I had the great privilege of meeting a couple months ago. His name is Ben Davis. I think I have mentioned him a time or two. He started running two years ago at the weight of about 350 lbs, and is now down to about 185, running Ironmans, triathlons, and marathons.
He is the core behind "Do Life". His message is to help people change their lives through exercise and fitness, and to make a positive change in their lives in matter what they need to change.
When I saw this quote tonight it struck a cord with me, because there are many things I'm afraid of. I'm afraid of change, I'm afraid of losing friendships, I'm afraid of the treadmill, I'm afraid of never finding love, I'm afraid of trying new things, I'm afraid of failure...
I've been scared throughout my whole journey, but many people have helped me overcome some of my fears, by helping me become a bolder person. I'm slowly progressing over my fear of the treadmill, I've overcome my fear of not being able to run, I'm getting better at trying new things.
While I will always be afraid of failure, I am realizing more that my journey wouldn't have been successful without some form of boldness. The boldness is pushing myself to lose 55 lbs in a year and a half.  The boldness is pushing myself to run a half marathon in six months. The boldness is making new lasting friendships while knowing that the lifelong, lasting friendships I've been able to maintain throughout my lifetime will always be there as well. The boldness is having the courage to try something different, to keep challenging myself to do something better. The boldness is having lost 105 lbs in 6 years.
Today I thought I had failed because my 2 mile run turned into a 1 mile walk. I then heard words of encouragement, thought of my older brother who lost 45 lbs by walking, remembered how these last two weeks have been filled with non-stop activity, and decided to take things slow and relax a bit. The fear was the failure...the boldness was everything else.
"It's okay to be scared. Just don't forget to be bold, too."
Zumbarunner...Whether shaking it or running it, I'll cross the finish line!

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