Saturday, November 12, 2011

One Down, Five To Go

Week one of boot camp is in the books. It's harder than HELL, y'all! We've already done things like battle ropes, raced with wheelbarrows full of pumpkins, sprints, and way too many other things to even comprehend. 

It's only been a week, but so far I've found out things I physically am unable to do, like human wheelbarrows, tricep dips, and jumping. Yes, jumping. In the midst of these hurdles, I am finding out that I can do more than what I thought was physically able to do, and am working on fighting through both the mental and the physical challenges. Oh, and I'm also finding out that I CAN get my yass up at the BUTT CRACK of dawn to go work out, and be awake for the rest of the day.

All 50 some odd people may be at boot camp for different reasons, but when you get a room full of people working together for motivation's sake, and six instructors pushing you to finish, it makes a difference.

So yes, for the past week I've been walking around like I've been riding a horse bareback for a month of Sundays because I'm so sore, and I'm sure I'll be feeling this way for the next five weeks, but it's all worth it.

Next week's added challenge...Body Pump!

Zumbarunner...Whether shaking it or running it, I'll cross the finish line!

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