This summer has been a tough one for everyone, but personally, my workouts are taking the brunt of the hit. Let's face it, it's been NASTY HOT outside, not to mention super long workdays, and battling Fat Connie...they've all taken their toll.
Although I'm still faithfully doing my Zumba workouts, my runs have been less than stellar. Oh sure, I've done a bunch of 5k's, but my daily runs are only consisting of one, maybe two miles at most. What gives? It was only 3 months ago that I was pushing myself every week to do another mile so I could run a half marathon. Have I lost the motivation? I don't think so, but life has gotten in the way. That is a reason...or maybe an excuse. It's too hard to tell.
I'm proud of the fact that I'm still running (most) every day, that my time has gotten (a skosh) better, and that I'm still entering races, even if I do run my own race and end up last every single time.
I won't lie, it's a constant struggle to stay focused, and the progression to stay fit is now on a slow track, but it's still on track. I still put my shoes on, and I don't intend on stopping any time soon.
Slow progression? Maybe, but I'm progressing regardless.
Today's workout...1:16 mile street run in 18.35 min...15.8 min/mile, 2,877 steps and 103 calories burned.
Zumbarunner...Whether shaking it or running it, I'll cross the finish line!
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