Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Is it stubbornness, or is it persistence that pays off in the end? I think they're the exact same thing, just one word has a whole different connotation than the other. Translation, stubbornness implies bullheadedness...persistence implies determination.

Last week, my sunglasses broke. No big thing, right, but these sunglasses are magnetic clip-ons, and cost $70 to replace. It's my own damn fault they broke, I'll admit it, but it meant driving and working without sunglasses, something I'm not keen on doing...especially being light sensitive.

After the "nerd tape" on my frames didn't work, I went to at least 6 or 7 eye places, and one jewelry store, to see if they could fix my shades..."nope, we don't do that. They're broken in the wrong place'll have to order new ones."

My yass I will...

After one more shot today at yet another eyecare place here in Kearney, "sure, we'll give it a try...just leave them here and we'll call you". UGH! What's another day without sunglasses? I've waited for a week already. Four hours later they called, said they got my glasses fixed. HALLELUIAH! For a mere $25, my glasses were fixed! Run and tell that to those who just wanted me to spend another $70 to get new ones...

That's persistence.

I guess persistence and stubbornness is how I have to look at my journey. This time they're the same thing. The persisitence is trying to keep my journey going, vowing not to stop. The stubbornness is defying the haters and doubters; trying to defy MY inner hater, (Fat Connie), proving to everyone and myself that I have achieved my results so far, and have farther to go before I'm done. 

The stubbornness is also working against me; allowing me to stray off my path, becoming less focused, less disciplined than usual. It's a daily struggle to find a balance between persistence and stubbornness, but I still manage to put my shoes on, still do something, maybe not as much but still something, with the full knowledge of knowing that I MUST do more...because I'll be damned if I'm going to revert completely. I've worked too hard. I've accomplished a lot, but I need to achieve more, and I time.

That's persistence...That's stubbornness...That's me.

Today's workout...1 hour Zumba class.

Zumbarunner...Whether shaking it or running it, I'll cross the finish line!

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