Resting...really? What does that even mean? I'm constantly on the go with work, life, running, zumba classes. TRAINING...UGH!
All this time I've been telling myself (and everyone else), that I'm just running, not really training for anything. I've just been pushing myself for no particular reason, right? Denial. Nope, I'm not training at all. I'm not in denial. Denying denial.
I guess I never really thought about all this work as being training, because I'm not an athlete. I've never, ever been considered an athlete, but I've always wanted to be. Everyone in High School knew that, at least I think they did, anyway. Oh well, thanks to health circumstances beyond my control, and backward thinking from other individuals in the process, I wasn't able to compete in anything at all.
Fast forward about 20 some odd years, things are changing. I've been on this weightloss journey, struggling to reach "goal weight", struggling to break that 3 month plateau (ugh!), finding Zumba, starting to run...running farther, not faster mind you (not by much), but farther. I'm not an athlete, they make it seem so effortless. I'm not an athlete.
At first I was just running to prove people wrong, that I could actually do it. I was just running. Things change though. Once you start running in races or events, you become part of a community. You don't hardly know anyone else in the community, but you're embraced in the community. You start becoming an "athlete".
I found that out when I ran my 10k a couple weeks ago. Was I the slowest? YES! Was I running my own race? DEFINITELY! Did I get passed up by EVERYONE out there (even walkers)? ABSOLUTELY! Was it embarrassing? Yes, BUT, here's the thing. NO MATTER HOW FAST OR HOW SLOW, YOU'RE ENCOURAGED ON! What an amazing experience to get fist bumps and high fives and 'ATTAGIRLS' from runners you've never met who are on their way back while you're still on your way there.
I (and everyone else) also find that in Zumba classes. It doesn't matter how coordinated you are or not. That feeling of community and the positive vibes that exude, it's exhiliarating to know that you're a part of a group who are so welcoming.
So, now I'm an athlete, and in training, training for a half marathon on Sunday. The resting is part of the training, and I have to say, it's weird to NOT be killing myself off this week. I'm not allowed to run far this week (only a couple miles at most). THANK GOD I can still do Zumba, but I'm used to doing an hour long Zumba class THEN run, or the other way around. UGH! I'm trying to find things to fill my time (ok, procrastinating), and not over do it this week.
I'm in training, because I'm now a ZUMBARUNNER...AN ATHLETE!
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