Motivation...that's kind of an ominous word if you really think about it. What really MOTIVATES you? What keeps you going? What makes you tick?
What makes me keep running, keep going to Zumba classes, keep me inspired? It's a lot of different things all rolled up into one, too many to list right now, but here's the top of the list...MY FRIENDS! Seriously, it's all of you who make me dig deep and make me want to do better. Those of you who have known me forever have always heard me say I'd do anything for my friends. My friends are like my family. I'm the protector. I don't care about myself, AT ALL. It's my family and friends that I would sacrifice for. Y'all are my reason for living, period.
It's all of you who keep pushing me to try something different, help pick me up when I focus on the negative, and y'all know I'm VERY GOOD at focusing on the negative. No matter if we've known each other since childhood, since college (part 1), since the start of my fitness journey...y'all are the key for my success, the reason I'm deciding to do this journey FOR MYSELF!
There's a song we used to sing in Girl Scouts:
"Make New Friends, But Keep the Old, One Is Silver, The Other Gold"
I think of that song all the time, because it's so fitting.
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