I can't get over how great my weekend was! I got the chance to interview a guy who is helping change people's lives and become better people as a whole, and he's just an ordinary guy! He never expected to have the following he has. He's just an ordinary guy who was overweight and depressed, and needed to find happiness again.
I, myself, find it a bit weird to hear that I'm an inspiration to others through my weightloss journey, because I'm not used to hearing those comments. It's a whole new experience. I'm doing this journey for myself, but it's cool that people are looking at my achievements to help them better themselves. I'll take that too.
Now imagine millions of people feeling inspired by your journey.
This last Saturday, I interviewed Ben Davis, creator of the "Do Life" tour, when they stopped in Omaha. Ben and some of his family are touring across the country on a 5k tour, meeting people, running with them, and hanging out at lunch afterwards. Not only is he sharing his story, but allowing others to share their stories as well. Trust me...my achievements PALE in comparison to some I heard last weekend.
These people are motivation personified, and I will use their motivation to help keep me on my track, to continue my journey, because I want to, and because I can.
Zumbarunner...Whether it's shaking it or running it, I'll cross the finish line!
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